Celebrate World Milk Day

World milk dayJune 1 marked the start of June Dairy Month, but the first day of this month-long celebration had extra meaning. It’s World Milk Day.

World Milk Day is a day established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to recognize the importance of milk as a global food. It has been observed on June 1 each year since 2001. The day is intended to provide an opportunity to bring attention to activities that are connected with the dairy sector.

All dairy milk provides nine essential nutrients. In addition to naturally occurring, high-quality protein, milk contains other nutrients including B vitamins for energy, vitamin A to help maintain a healthy immune system as well as calcium and vitamin D, both that work in concert for bone health, according to Milk Life.

In fact, milk is the top food source for calcium, potassium and vitamin D, three of the four “nutrients of public health concern,” according to the U.S. Dietary Guidelines — nutrients that many Americans, including children, are most lacking in their diets. Since more than 90 percent of the U.S. population falls short of the recommended three daily servings of milk and milk products, including this fresh, simple and wholesome beverage at mealtimes can play an important role in healthy eating and well-being through adulthood.

On June 1, the Wyoming-Lackawanna Counties Dairy Princess Emma Loch and her court celebrated by promoting dairy at the Scranton Health Fair. They visited with people encouraging them to include milk a part of their daily diet.

While World Milk Day has concluded, people can still lift a glass of milk to celebrate a dairy farmer and toast to their good health.



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